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W.E.L.K.S Championship Show 2019 Critique

I would like to thank my exhibitors who came far and wide, for the privilege of going over their dogs.
I felt there was a general lacking of quality in a number of exhibits, having said that was delighted with my winners.

Veteran Dog 2 (1)a

1st  Mrs. S. Baumann – Ch. Regalflight Tarloch. Tall elegant hound, kind expression with small well set ears, strong neck would have liked a better return of upper arm, harsh coat good spring of rib with correct tuck up, adequate bend of stifle, a little erratic in front movment.

Puppy Dog (1)

1st Mr. M. & Mrs G.M. Peach – Erpingham Sebastion to Kilbourne. Loved this puppy, just as he should be at this age lovely head dark eye all curves, well balanced both ends, good bone harsh coat, out going nature, moved on a long stride soundly . pleased to award him best puppy.

Junior Dog 2 (1a)

1st Mr. G J & Mrs J A Grimshaw – Greyflax Diamond Joe at Jamalison.  Very promising youngster. Lots to like. Lovely head soft expression, well folded ears good neck leading to well laid shoulders, good return of upper arm, nice depth of body leading to strong loin, good bend of stifle, harsh coat, overall picture of strength yet with elegance. Moved with a good stride. Pleased to award him RCC.

Yearling Dog

1st Ms. L & Mrs. G. Pink – Theon of the Storm. Sweet head and expression strong neck would prefer more return of upper arm, good spring and depth of body harsh coat, adequate bend of styifle , lost his top line on the move, but went soundly.

Post Graduate Dog. 3 

1st Mr. MJ & Mrs. G. M. Peach – Tiobraid Solo Venture to Kilbourne. strong well made dog, sweet head, strong neck leading to well laid shoulders, good depth of body, good bone and feet, harsh coat, moved soundly.

2nd. Ms. L & Mr. PJ Steele & Tannant – Greyhawks Romanie Lacho with Tannantside Much lighter framed dog than 1st. Well balanced both ends sweet head dark eye and neat ears , harsh coat, moved soundly.

3rd. Mrs. G. Pink – Greyhawks Romanie Chor.

Limit Dog 6 (2a) 

1st Miss S L & Miss N Finnett & Heathcote – Hydsight Pilgrim. Typical from this kennel  all curves , good top and under line, strong quarter, giving plenty of drive on the move.

2nd Mrs. S. Cummings – Killoeter Tam Dubh – Kind expression strong neck leading to well laid shoulders, good spring of rib leading to strong quarters well angulated quarters , very workman like hound moved freely and true.

3rd. Mr. A.K. & Mrs. V. Lewis – Luckhurst Paisley.

Open Dog 6 (2a)

1st  Mr. M. J. & Mrs. G. M. Peach – Ch. Kilbourne Lloyd Lovely head dark eye strong neck well laid shoulder,, good return of upper arm,good depth & spring of rib correct top and under line, good width of quarter well bent, harsh coat, every inch a male Deerhound moved soundly & free with presence. Pleased to award him CC & BOB.

2nd. Miss S. L. & Miss N. Finnett & Heathcote – Ch. Hyndsight Desperado Another lovely male, well balanced good angulation front and rear, Was unsettled on the move today.

3rd. Mrs. K. Constantine – Ch. Kaleginy the Forester.

Minor Puppy Bitch

1 Mr. K. Miss E & Miss Z Owen & Brodie – Wolfcastle Soul Sweet head nice depth of body strong well angulated quarters good coat, a bit loose in front movement, but will tighten with age.

Puppy Bitch 3 (1a)

1st Mr. T. A. & Mrs S Mckinnon – Glaonaiglen Fynne  A bit over awed by her first show, lovely curvey puppy both ends, sweetest of heads, soft mouse like ears, good harsh coat and did enough for me to see she was sound and true.

2nd. Mrs. L. Steer – Sorimsway Gypsy Roma – Much leggier type Light of frame & body, needs to mature a little loose in movement. Sweet head and good harsh coat, needs time on her side.

Junior Bitch 2 

1st. Mr. G. & Mrs. N. Bailey – Greyflax Pearls a Singer. Lovely elegant youngster sweetest of heads well angulated front in balance with her rear good top and under line, good bone and feet, harsh coat, moved on a long reaching stride.

2nd Mr. G. J & Mrs. J. A. Grimshaw – Greyflax Ruby at Jamalison Sister to the above, the same comments apply, today just felt the first had a tad more length ,but these two will be swapping places for sure. Loved them both.

Yearling Bitch 4  (1)

1st Miss S.L. & Miss. N. Finnette & Heathcote – Hyndsight How You Remind Me. Lovely elegant bitch well balanced front and rear, good top and under line, harsh coat good bone and feet, moved on a long sound stride.

2nd. Mr. T. A. & Mrs S. Mckinnon – Claonaiglen Ettive sweet head neat ears strong neck would prefer better return of upper arm, good depth of body, strong well angulated quarters, moved well.

3rd. Mrs. J. 7 Mr. R. J. Wilce Quinton – Kilbourne Louisa Chick At Kirjojax –

Post Graduate Bitch 5 (3)

1st Miss D. Kilgar – Ardneish Pacific at Maelstrom – workmanlike bitch well angulated front and rear, good bone and feet moved with well reaching stride.

2nd. Mrs. J. & Mr. R. Wilce Quinton & Quinton – Kilbourne Marie Clare at Kirjojax. Sweet head , neat ears, good depth of body, little flat on top line, strong quarters moved freely.

Limit Bitch. 6

1st. Miss S.L. & Miss N. Finnett & N. Heathcote – Hyndsight Careless Whisper.- lovely breed type strong neck leading to well laid shoulders good depth of body having good tuck up and good top line, strong well angulated quarters, harsh coat, moved freely. Pleased to award her the CC.

2nd. Mr. M. & Mrs. G. M Peach Kilbourne Liberty – Kind expression strong neck leading to well laid shoulders good depth of body leading to well angulated rear with correct bend of stifle, would like a little more foreleg to complete the balance, moved sound and true.

3rd. Mrs. K. Constantine – Kalginy Antela.

Open Bitch

1 st. Mr. G. & Mrs. N. B. Bailey – Ch Greyflax Lady Sings the Blues – mature bitch, sweet head and expression well laid shoulders having good bone and feet. Correct spring of rib leading to well angulated quarters, moved on a good long stride. Please to award her the RCC,

Mrs. J. Duddell